The movements you should be doing.

Entries in shoulder stability (14)


Half-Kneeling Chop

Half-kneeling, diagonal movements may not seem "hard," but they are the best exercises in the world for correcting asymmetry and providing a lifetime of pain free movement. In a pinch, you can rig up an elastic band to a tree if you do not have a cable stack.
Coach Stevo's Top Tips
  • Engage the glute.
  • Sit up tall.
  • Slow and smooth.


Body Saw

The step-child of the roll out, in this version you gently rock back and forth at the shoulder. You'll need a slideboard, valslides, or a towel on a hardwood floor. I prefer these on the TRX, as the motion is smoother, but it can be tricky to get your feet in the handles. 

Coach Stevo's Top Tips

  • Pack your shoulders.
  • Slow and smooth.



TRX (Pike is optional)


Pull Ups

There is no better test of upper back strength than the old-fashioned pull up. They reward the fit and the strong, and yes, even the ladies can rock the pull up. Just do what Coach Stevo says.

Coach Stevo's Top Tips

  • Pack your shoulders.
  • Always start with locked elbows.
  • Do not let your legs come up.
  • Pull until your chin crests the plane of the bar.

USMC Style

Negative (Eccentric Only) Pull Ups

A Woman Stronger than Any Man You Know

Even Zuzana Can Rock a Set of Pull Ups


Overhead Press

Also known as the "military press," this exercise can be performed with kettlebells, dumbbells, or a barbell. Dumbbells is the most foolproof, barbell the most dangerous, but kettlebells require more range of motion and mobility.
Coach Stevo's Top Tips
  • Do not perform seated.
  • Squeeze your glutes and abs hard.
  • Pack your shoulders
  • Always lock out at the top.

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