
Your Schedule

Three days on, one day off.


3 get-ups per side followed by this complex with a little weight

  • 5 Goblet Squats
  • 5 Goatbags
  • Push Up Plank (every 10 seconds lift a foot or a hand until you've alternated through all 4)
  • 10 Cook Hip Lifts per side
  • 10 Jane Fondas per side
  • Bird Dogs (hold for 60 seconds per side)
  • 10 HATwings (single leg deadlift with a row to the armpit) per side
  • 5 Breakdances per side!!!!!

Do a Carry Workout or a Stationary Workout then fill the rest of the hour with cardio.


The Carry Workouts

With the Carry workouts, you are shooting for 20 total reps of the non-carry movement (like squats). If the non-carry movement is unilateral, it's 10 per side. If you have access to any stairs, by all means use them!


"Stuffed French Toast"

Dumbbell Deadlifts + Farmer Carries


"Chocolate Chip Pancakes"

Suitcase Deadlifts + Suitcase Carries


"Creme Puff"

1A Rack Carry + 1A Front Squat


"Waffle Sandwich"

DBL Rack Carry + DBL Front Squat


"Chicken & Waffles"

DBL Rack Carry + Long Presses


"Double - Double"

DBL Goat Bag + DBL Rack Carry + DBL Front Squat


"Left Over Nachos"

DB Push Press + DBL Rack Carry


The Stationary Workouts

All of these workouts are complexes of movements that move into each other seemlessly. You may take a slight rest between rounds, but the idea is to do them as quickly as possible. Shoot for the total number of reps to be 30. Suggested number of reps can be 

  • 10 (of each), 8, 6, 4, 2
  • 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13
  • 13, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1
  • 5, 3, 2, 3, 5, 3, 2, 3, 5
  • 2, 3, 5, 3, 2, 3, 5, 3, 2

or simply

  • 3 sets of 10
  • 4 sets of 7
  • 5 sets of 6
  • 6 sets of 5
  • 7 sets of 4
  • 10 sets of 3

Once you have finished 30 total reps, note your time and weight and try to improve on the next session.


The Complexes


"The Stevo"


Goblet squats

Inchworm to a


Carry the weight to the bar in one hand then perform a single negative, carry it back in the other hand



Overhead Press

Dumbbell Deadlift (use a seperate, larger set of dumbbells for the deadlifts)



Goblet Squat

Bridge with reach



Goblet Squat


Inchworm to a

Plank row (alternate hands with both hands doing a row to count as "1" for the total rep scheme)


Dumbbell Deadlifts




For the one-sided workouts, you are still shooting for 30 total reps of each exercise (15 per side), so it helps to divide the numbers above in half.


Single Leg Deadlift with a Row

Split Squat

Push up

(then switch hands and repeat)


Single Leg Dead Lift

1A Front Squat

Inchworm to a 

1A plank row

(then switch hands and repeat)


Dumbbell snatch

1A Front Squat

Bridge with reach

(then switch hands and repeat)


Dumbbel Snatch



The Movements

Plank Row
Cook Hip Lifts





Heart Beats