The movements you should be doing.

Entries in torsional stability (4)


One Arm Row

This is a great bang-for-your-buck exercise that works the pulling muscles asymmetrically and also trains scapular retraction. Plus it hits your biceps like a curl but you don't have to feel like a choade who wastes his time in the gym doing curls. Throw in a little torsional stability and you can see why it's "Coach Stevo Approved!"

Coach Stevo's Top Tips

  • Pack the shoulder.
  • Squeeze the shoulder blades together on every rep.
  • Do not let the plane of your shoulders change relative to the plane of your hips



Side Plank

The side plank is the straight plank's harder, oblique killing sister. 30 seconds a side is pretty good, but after a minute you should start trying to make it harder. Lift a leg, go up on your hand, or place a weight on your hip.

Coach Stevo's Top Tips


  • Pack your shoulder.
  • Make sure your hand or elbow is directly under your shoulder.
  • No bend in your hips.



Single-Leg Deadlift

The Single-Leg Deadlift (SLDL) is a weird exercise that will require patience and balance. It also won't feel "hard" until you wake up in the morning. Keep your shoulder blades pinched together and your hips and shoulders in the same plane. Make sure you are pushing your butt back (especially you ladies!) and only bending your knee a little so as to better load up the hamstring.

Coach Stevo's Top Tips

  • Don't let your raised foot pivot out.
  • Lower slowly and pop up quickly with purpose.


Weight in One Arm

Weight in Two Arms


Bird Dogs

Save your spine and help your glutes. On all fours with a core that is completely locked down, extend an arm and opposing leg simultaneously. Lower them to the original position. If you cannot prevent your hips and shoulders from twisting, then I suggest doing Bird Dogs over a bench, as in the included video. Jonathan Fass describes this exercise rather well: "if if seems easy, you're doing it wrong." 

Coach Stevo Top Tip

  • Slow and controlled, not fast and hard.
  • Your abs should be engaged so hard that you want to cry.