The movements you should be doing.

Entries in asymmetric (7)


One Arm Row

This is a great bang-for-your-buck exercise that works the pulling muscles asymmetrically and also trains scapular retraction. Plus it hits your biceps like a curl but you don't have to feel like a choade who wastes his time in the gym doing curls. Throw in a little torsional stability and you can see why it's "Coach Stevo Approved!"

Coach Stevo's Top Tips

  • Pack the shoulder.
  • Squeeze the shoulder blades together on every rep.
  • Do not let the plane of your shoulders change relative to the plane of your hips



Step Up

An introduction into unsupported, single-leg work, the step up is also a life-long skill you want to be able to do well when your 90. Focus just as hard on the lowering as the raising and make sure you bring your hips all the way through at the top. Keep the angle of your torso identical to the angle of your shin. And if this is too easy, work on making the step higher (increasing the range-of-motion) before you work on adding weight.

Coach Stevo's Top Tips

  • Engage your core.
  • Squeeze your butt and hip flexor at the same time to brace the pelvis.
  • Don't drop; pull yourself down.



Who has the best booties? Sprinters. Well, sprinters and pole vaulters. The "lean-fall-run" drill is your introduction to sprinting. The two things to remember are driving hard off your initial foot fall (power to the ground is speed) and turning over your feet as quickly as possible while you maintain the lean angle. Go for 5 steps and switch feet each time.

Coach Stevo's Top Tips

  • Think, "Lean...Fall... DRIVE! 2,3,4,5, STOP!"
  • Maintain your angle for the full 5 steps.



The Landmine

The name is stupid, but the move is awesome. I guess I could change the name, but it's totally "in there" now. You don't need any special equipment, just a bar in the corner. The point of this move is to go slowly and resist what the bar wants your torso to do.

Coach Stevo's Top Tips

  • Slow and steady.
  • Lock your whole body down.





Waiter Walk

The ultimate shoulder packing exercise. If you don't know what I'm going on about, try a few of these with a heavy weight. You shoulders will be packed like an Amazon shipping box. Just like with Farmer Walks, you want to stay tall and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Most importantly you want to engage your lats. That's what protects your rotator cuff.

Coach Stevo's Top Tips

  • Tall, engaged, and packed shoulders.
  • Straight wrist.
  • Grip hard.
  • Never transfer the weight with your hands above your head! This picture taken moments before the lady in red took a 12kg bell to the skull!

