The movements you should be doing.

Entries in hip stability (19)


Split Squat

This is an exercise that requires a deceptive amount of precision. Your feet should always face the same way and your knee should land exactly below your shoulder with a straight line between the two. Weight is optional.
Coach Stevo's Top Tips
  • This isn't a lunge. Stay in the same position.


Single-Leg Deadlift

The Single-Leg Deadlift (SLDL) is a weird exercise that will require patience and balance. It also won't feel "hard" until you wake up in the morning. Keep your shoulder blades pinched together and your hips and shoulders in the same plane. Make sure you are pushing your butt back (especially you ladies!) and only bending your knee a little so as to better load up the hamstring.

Coach Stevo's Top Tips

  • Don't let your raised foot pivot out.
  • Lower slowly and pop up quickly with purpose.


Weight in One Arm

Weight in Two Arms


Leg Curl

Leg Curls work the back of the legs and butt. You'll need a smooth surface like a slideboard, valslides, or just stocking feet on hardwood floor. Most beginners should just do the eccentric phase of this exercise, as is demonstrated in the video. These can be done in a TRX, but I do not like the instability of a TRX. Stick to the floor.

Coach Stevo's Top Tips

  • Bridge and lock down your core.
  • Engage the glutes hard. 
  • Lower your butt down while your legs extend in a smooth motion.




Push Ups

The push up is the Godfather of bodyweight exercises. It works everything form the hips up, and you can perform it anywhere. The first video demonstrates a traditional, USMC-style push up. If this is too difficult, try the progressive phases offered in the second video. But never do push ups from your knees, or "girl style" push ups. They aren't bad, they are just a waste of your time. Finally, try Zuzana's One-Leg Push Ups. Or just watch the video on 'repeat.'

Coach Stevo Top Tips

  • Pack your shoulders.
  • Drop your elbows below 90 degrees.
  • If you are interested in volume, work on going fast. 

Traditional, USMC-Style



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