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Front Squat

The Front Squat is the introduction that I like to give most people to barbell squatting once the goblet squat has been mastered. It's important to remember that barbells are a little less forgiving and lot louder when you drop them. Start with the handsfree version shown below and do those for a few weeks. If you have the wrist flexibility, work up to the pictured form. If your arms start to droop, lower the weight. If your wrists hurt, lower the weight. If your form suffers at all, drop the weight. The video at the bottom is a very good tutorial about what "good" and "bad" front squatting looks like.

Coach Stevo's Top Tips

  • The bar rests on your shoulders, not on your wrists.
  • Your fingertips touch the bar, not your palms.
  • Focus on keeping your torso as upright as possible.
  • How far down? All the way down.

Hands Free

Good Form Breakdown

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