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The deadlift is perhaps the most misunderstood movement in the trainer's arsenal. Most fear it, some avoid it, and nearly everyone does it wrong. But it is the quintessential "hinge" movement and there are few exercises that build more raw strength not mention build all the muscles that make you hotter (The woman in the picture is over 50 years old). It's also one of the basic human movements that you will need until the day you die (anytime you pick up something off the floor you are deadlifting). I have videos here of PhDs doing it with dumbbells, models doing it with kettlebells, and a 14 year old girl doing it with an old-school barbell. And in case you want to nerd out, there's Bret Contreras breaking the move down for a full 7 minutes.

Coach Stevo's Top Tips

  • Squeeze your shoulder blades together and pack your shoulder before you touch the bar.
  • Push your butt way back and load the hamstrings.
  • Lock your core.
  • Hinge at the hips.
  • Lift with your hamstrings and glutes, stabilize with your upper back.
  • As soon as the weight crests your knees, drive your hips forward HARD.

Dumbbells (PhD)

Kettlebells (Model)

Barbell (14 year-old girl)

Complete Form Breakdown

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