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Hip Thrust

The Hip Thrust is the Mack Daddy of glute exercises. It will take you a few weeks of diligent glute activations to learn the range of hip extension to do them safely, but you will be rewarded with an exercise that will change your lower body forever. The key to this movement is getting the full range of motion. Your torso should be close to vertical when you bottom out and your hips should be all the way at the top of their extension (with no lumbar spine movement!) at the top. Go ahead and hold it up there for a beat. The sexy will thank you.

Coach Stevo's Top Tips

  • No, it doesn't hurt your pelvis.
  • Do not rush this exercise. Activations first.
  • Lock the core! Do not cheat and use your spine to complete the lift.
  • Master bodyweight before you move to the bar.
  • Invest in a Hampton Thick Bar-Pad.



Full Instructional Video from the Inventor of the Hip Thrust

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