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Gulbis Glute Twists

This is a weird exercise, but I don't know any others that light up my glutes like "the Gulbis." If you do not have properly firing glutes, you might not feel these at all and insist that I am crazy. Bret Contreras (inventor, but bad at naming stuff) is particularly verbose in his explanation, but if I had to summarize in a single queue, it would be, "squeeze the cheek closest to the band and bring your hips around fast and hard like a golf swing."

Coach Stevo's Top Tips

  • Leg closest to the band is further back.
  • Pivot at the hips. This is not an oblique exercise.
  • Squeeze the glute and hold for a few seconds.
  • Drive the hip around and down. Like a golf swing.

Bret Contreras Demonstrates

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