Suck Days
Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at 3:58PM

There comes a time in any training program when you go off the wagon. There are days when you just can’t seem to make it into the gym. There are days when you can’t get your meal planning together and you end up at In ‘N Out. Suck days happen and they happen to us all. But what separates people who meet their goals and people who don’t meet their goals is whether those suck days become suck weeks, suck months, or even years lost to not training and eating like crap. But if you know suck days are going to happen, and give yourself some slack, you can plan ahead to prevent them from getting out of control. 

It’s Your Fault

Other than “they happen to everyone,” the thing you need to know about suck days are that they are your fault. It wasn’t that you “ran out of time.” Only you know yourself and only you are in complete control of your day. You knew it was gonna be a tight day; you could have easily woken up a little earlier or done something ahead of time. But you didn’t. And now it’s midnight and the only clothes you’re changing into are PJs. It’s your fault you f-ed up, but there’s no sense in beating yourself up when there’s an opportunity to learn from it.  


Other than travel, boredom is the leading cause of suck days. When you start a new training program, there isn’t much that can get in the way of a good lift or run. But as the novelty wears off, it’s easy for training to start dropping down your list of priorities. And once training is lower on that list than reruns of “How I Met Your Mother,” you have little hope of meeting your goals. But it’s ok. You can either beat yourself up for not being more disciplined or admit that you need to mix it up and plan accordingly.

Out of the Habit

Sometimes, usually as the result of travel or boredom, you get out of the habit of training. It doesn’t take much time. A week off might be all you need to get derailed, especially when motivation was low going into the missed sessions. And once things in your life gets crazy again, it can be hard to justify that hour for your body. Here's what you can do to get off the couch and back on track.

From The Onion

Article originally appeared on Coach Stevo (
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